
At the closing service of the South Rhine Uniting Church on 25 April 2010, over 30 people expressed interest in forming a Friends of South Rhine Cemetery group. A society for the Friends was duly formed at an inaugural meeting held on 19th September 2010.

The purpose of the Friends of South Rhine Cemetery is:
*   To provide management and maintenance of the Cemetery
*   To protect and conserve the heritage of the Cemetery
*    To foster within the Cemetery a pleasant place for quiet reflection

The Society operates by arrangement with the and under the auspices of the Uniting Church (SA). The affairs of the Society are managed by a committee of 5-9 members elected at the Annual General Meeting held around November. The Curator of the cemetery is appointed by Committee and serves as a member of the Committee.

Become a Friend of South Rhine Cemetery

The Friends welcomes and encourages membership of the Society from all people with a past and future interest in the South Rhine Cemetery. Through this we can continue to provide care and maintenance of the property.

The committee has determined that an annual membership fee is not currently chargeable but welcomes any donation you may wish to make.

Please complete and forward this application form.

Enquiries to  Lester Miller on 0400 121 112 or Ross Drew on 0433 837 350


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